"One Box Solutions" - Suggestions ?

I must downsize my rig and am trying to identify a high-power, one-box solution (CD is not necessary) that has a digital coax in.

I love the idea of the McIntosh MA 5200, but at 20 inches deep (!!) it won't fit on my rack.

My speakers are Monitor Audio PL200.

Any and all suggestions welcome...!

(High WAF is a plus, but not a deal killer).

Showing 1 response by paul8060

sfar has a great solution, the Moon ACE. The price has just dropped to $2,900.00, and I've been told by Moon that they will upgrade to MQA in early 2018. I'm buying one from a guy in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where I used to live. Check him out. His name is Jeff at www.audphi.com. Tell him Paul in Las Vegas recommended him. :-)