Once Were Brothers in theaters Friday, February 28th

The new documentary on the greatest self-contained (songs, instruments, vocals) Rock ’n’ Roll band in the music’s history---The Band, is in theaters tomorrow. Quotations from the movie:

John Hammond Jr.: "Bob Dylan thought they were phenomenal. So he hired the guys."

Taj Mahal: "If there was any American musicians that were comparable to what The Beatles were, it woulda been them."

Bruce Springsteen: "There is no band that emphasizes becoming greater than the sum of their parts than The Band. (I disagree; even taken individually, Levon Helm, Rick Danko, Richard Manual, Garth Hudson, and Robbie Robertson are master musicians, singers, and songwriters).

Bruce continues: "When they came together, something miraculous occurred."

Eric Clapton: (upon hearing Music From Big Pink) "I thought, this is huge. It changed my life."

Mine too, along with every good musician I knew then and have known since.


Showing 4 responses by glupson

"Pop (a dreadful dirge by Neil Diamond)."
Whoa, that was the highlight of the show.

Ok, Bobby Charles and Forever Young. could share second place.

Not to mention that The Last Waltz was some kind of a funeral for The Band so singing a dirge was quite appropriate.
Prompted by this thread, I listened to The Band and Music From the Big Pink last night.

It was good, better than I had remembered it, but still just a great example of a garage band, as the poster above implied.

It may be that time alignment is also an issue. Maybe those who have not been around when The Band was at its peak simply do not have that emotional, maybe even nostalgic, connection. We may be looking at them as just another band among many that we have heard until 2020, and not the breakthrough artist of 1969.
"The Art of Noise; the group, not your response."
Once upon a time, I entered the record store in Italy and they had racks arranged by genre. The first one, with the sign just above the records, was "musica leggera" and under it the record...Art of Noise.
It does not matter what schubert and I think, but I do find The Band a bit overpraised. I have an album, or two, but I do not think they were as great as they are talked about these days.

Having said that, Berlin Philharmonic has been slightly out of tune lately.