Once Upon A Time In...

Today the first time I'm watching the "US version" of "Once Upon A Time In America" by F Copollo and realize why it wasn't accepted by the US public. There is more than half of movie is so BRUTALLY cut. Aren't we have a mature audience here? In Europe this movie was shown uncut to young adults 16 y.o. or above and none would believe that it would initiate serious society problems. Why shouldn't We understand it right and what is our guilt to be banned from real art?
Face the fact:
The movie is not yet available on dvd.
Ask why?
It did not bring enough money from the box offices on the first place. It's passed through our society as it was never shown.
Ask why?
Because it was circuimsized!
Ask why?
And the answer is simple: statistics of lack of cultural literacy of an average american citizen that might take this movie different way especially consearning sex with adolescents.
Will it ever make money if it's released on dvd?
I doubt it, but for the sake of art, culture and moral enhancement of society not only movies that made or make money should be available in video stores and/or movie theatres...
That brings me to an idea that the only thing Hollywood cares for is to entertain for money,money,money and any movie that is not falling onto that category is to be cut. By cutting this movie Holliwood actually cut the American History that was so brightly reflected there.
<<"Ask why?
Because it was circuimsized!
Ask why?
And the answer is simple: statistics of lack of cultural literacy of an average american citizen that might take this movie different way especially consearning sex with adolescents.">

Uh...haven't 50% of all Hollywood movies from the past thirty years featured sex with adolescents?? It's the American dream, fer christsake. :-)

You're right though...it's really disappointing walking into a Blockbuster and being able to rent every crappy Steven Segal film on DVD, but half of the Coen Brothers films haven't been released yet. Unfortunately, this film falls into that same category...as do many other great movies. I hope the studios get their act together and start releasing their back catalogs at a faster pace (with good quality). I've heard that some Blockbuster stores are going to be DVD only, so I hope that means things will change soon.
I agree about the beauty of Morroconi's film scores. I am a Cellist and now want to play Morroconi only. The problem is I only have the Yo Yo Ma CD and must have my teacher listen to it and write down the notes - a labor intensive, expensive task. Anyone know where to get the sheet music?

Don James