On the outside chance that…

…you may have heard some combination of these three speakers, I'm hoping for some guidance from the Agon community.

Monitor Audio Silver 8
Quad S-5
Ohm 2000

I can’t easily audition any of these speakers and would be grateful for any meaningful feedback regarding them. Mainly I am looking for your experience with the following characteristics.

1. Will it work reasonably well within a foot of the back wall?  Notably, the MA Silver 8s have plugs that can be inserted into the back vent(s), while the Quad S-5s have the passive radiators, which can’t be modified – at least as far as I know.  The Ohms are what they are.

2. Will it sound decent at low volume? Normally I play my music at a medium level where you can talk over it if your voice is slightly raised. Occasionally we go a little wild and loud, but I also need to have it sound fairly good at low volume for late night or dinner background music. One of my preamps has tone controls I can use to help compensate at lower volumes, but I may end up using an older tube pre, which doesn’t have tone controls so won’t have the option of boosting the bass and treble at low volume.

Equipment: Power amp = Parasound A23 (125/200 wpc @ 8/4 ohms and 45 amps); Pre amps = Parasound P-3 (solid state) and VTL TL2.5 tube. I’m currently using the P-3, but would like to work the VTL back into my system. I have a REL sub I can move out of my modest TV system to the stereo system if I really need more bass.  I've had other speakers, but for various reasons I am currently using some old Polk 90Ts (same as Polk 60s).

Room size is about 18 ft x 30 ft x 14 ft (H). It is reflective, with windows, sliding glass doors (drapes can be pulled over these), hardwood floor with about 25% area rug, and ‘normal’ amount of furniture. While this is a large room, my wife and I will be downsizing to something smaller in the next 5 years so I can get by with a speaker that is slightly ‘small’ for the room.

I’m not looking for perfection here – just want some good sound for rock, jazz, opera, folk, and classical music.  I’d prefer the sound to be generally neutral, but would rather err on the side of slightly warm versus bright. My desire for a wide ‘sweet spot’ is partially why the Ohms are in the mix. 

I can get 30 to 90 day money-back auditions on the MA and Ohm, respectively (nothing on the Quad), but don’t want to waste the shipping cost and hassle if I’m barking up the wrong tree to start with.

And finally, while this may seem really stupid and I assume the answer is "yes", are all of these speakers going to be a lot better than the current Polks (in case anyone has heard them)?

Thank you in advance for any guidance you can provide!
