on the cheap

I am looking for suggestions for an inexpensive streamer for my sister. I mean a couple hundred bucks. Does anybody make such a thing that would not have to be hooked up to the internet but would work via wi-fi or bluetooth? AND also have a built in dac. Stereo is not her life like some of us. The simpler the better. Would not have to be new. It would be nice also to have the ability to have cd storage. Is it also possible to not have to be run with tidal and be controlled by an app?



Showing 1 response by kingbr

Bluesound Node! AMAZING entry unit. I literally after many many years of swearing I’ll never stream finally dove in. Got the Node and am still blown away by the sound of this little unit. The internal DAC is frighteningly good for its price point. Very simple and the app is great!