OMG... Joe Henry

I really can't explain why I had never discovered Joe Henry.  He's associated with some of my all-time favorite artists:  Elvis Costello, Billy Bragg, Vic Chesnutt, and others...  How did his genius escape me for all of these years???
A good friend of mine recently turned me on to him.  I'm so thankful...
Please check him out if you are so inclined to discovering great music that falls outside of the main stream.

Showing 1 response by reubent

I'm a long time fan of Joe Henry, as both an artist and a producer. His song - "Trampoline" would surely end up on my favorites playlist. And he produced two excellent favorite albums - "Don't Give Up on Me" by Solomon Burke, and "I've Got My Own Hell to Pay" by Bettye Layette. I was fortunate to see both Solomon Burke and Bettye Layette perform many of the tracks from these 2 albums. 

Henry seems like a guy who has been able to surround himself with great musician and have a part in lots of great recorded music, as an artist and producer.

Good find.........