Omega Speakers ,High efficiency but how's the sound

I came accross these speakers while visiting a SET amp site. I'm a few months away from getting into the SET's and I need to find a pair of high efficiency bookshelf speakers.

I was absolutely SOLD on the Coincident Triumph Signatures (94db) until are saw these Omegas (96db). The Omegas come in this pearl blue finish that looks absolutely incredible! My only concern is the single driver. I don't know how good or bad single driver speakers sound. I can't seem to find any reviews on these speakers besides a couple on their website. Does anyone here have any experience with Omega speakers?

I'd appreciate any feedback I can get.

Thanks in advance.


Showing 1 response by twl

I haven't heard the Omega speakers, but single-drivers do very well with SET amps. I use Lowthers, and am very happy with the sound. I have heard of a couple Audiogon members that have tried the Omega speakers and liked them.

Single drivers are like any other speaker. They can be very good or not so good. It depends on how the manufacturer does the execution of the product.