Older PURE CLASS-A Amplifiers

I am looking at some older Pure Class A amps and am curious as to are they as good as some newer amps like the Pass X150, and which ones are recommended, and have they been compared to each other anywhere? Thanks much for the recommendations.

I am considering the following PURE CLASS A amps:
Threshold T-50
Monarchy Audio SM-100 Monos
Monarchy Audio SM-70
Forte Model 4
Threshold SA -1 mono block power amps are my choice for great pure class a sound. Also the SA-2 mono blocks and even the stereo SA-3 amp. All of these amps are timeless and have incredible sound.
I have two of the Lazarus highbird mark III amps and the Cascade Classic MKII pre amp.
The system sounds awesome. It is a work horse. I have it since 1993.

As for Greg. His last name is miller.
The last I heard about him was back in the nineties that he was planning to go to Japan.
Apparently, the high-end audio market over there liked his products.

I am looking as well for copies of the circuit for the above.

Currently using an older modified Adcom 535-II to drive new Paradigm Studio 100 v3. I find the sound to have a hard top end which is almost hurtful (my previous speakers did not have as much treble extension).

Wondering if a better power amp is required. Would it be possible to use a Pass Aleph 3? Specs seem to indicate the Paradigm 100's are not super easy to drive.


I have the chance to get the levinson ML3, is it still a good amp considering its age or should i consider a later model, if i do purchase it what pre amp should i match with it.