Older Cd Players vs. new ones

Does anyone have an older cd player from the early to mid-90's that they feel sounds as good if not better than newer models in the same price range? I have a PD-65 that I wont' change out because nothing I hear, despite people saying the technology is so much better now, seems to sound any better. In fact I bought a new Elite SACD player which received great reviews in Europe and the CD layer is not as good as the old Elite pd-65 from 1993. For redbook cd I still use the pd-65 over the new Elite Pd-6-j
I have an Andromeda (Simaudio). It has the 1704uk chips as does my older Simaudio Eclipse. Andromeda is more dynamic. Eclipse still sounds very good. Andromeda increases dynamics, detail, residual grunge, and improves balance. Units reliable, expensive though. Pilips transport.

I also have Linn Karik Numerik. It sounds good too. 1994 vintage. I think it has the 1702 chipset. Less detail, dynamics, still has orchestral layering. I need to sell the Karik Numerik sometime. I think it is superior to current players above $1000. (It cost over $5000 originally).
When I replaced a 20 year old JVC CD player (still worked, made in Japan c1988, $300) with a Cambridge 640c (made in China 2008, $750), the improvement was not overwhelming. The CA was definitely better in every way, but not the leap I expected.

I think the reality is that while technology has raced ahead, build quality of the moving parts (transport, laser etc) has gone backwards with the move from away from Japanese precision to Chinese mass production.
While I don't pretend to have the depth of experience or knowledge of dacs and transports recently I came across a Yamaha CD-1. I believe a cdp is more than super dacs and processing power. That's only a small part of the whole. 
Having had a few CD players in my time I can attest to this cdp sweetness and clean play back without the sterilization that some have. 
Taken to the extreme look at today's cheap blue ray players. The CD spins so fast one can feel the vibration throughout the plastic housing. 
There's something to be said about adding mass to a cdp and separation of components. 
So maybe one day I'll have a shootout between this and Yamaha CD S3000 but for now I'm thoroughly happy with this gear. 