Old Victrola

Anyone out there have an old Victoria along with your serious gear?

Going back to home music reproduction in it's simplest form?

I find them to be beautiful pieces of audio history.

I think it's really cool to occasionally forget the fancy kit, take out an old fox trot or waltz 78, wind that crank and plunk that big needle down. Then take your sweetheart by the hand, pull her close and do slow turns around the living to that scratchy, yet somehow romantic old timey sound.



Showing 1 response by minkwelder

I have an old Edison Amberola cylinder player. I had the reproducer (i.e. cartridge) rebuilt by Wyatt Markus. This is essential for getting the most out of the limited sound quality of these old recordings.

The "Direct to Disk" reference is spot-on. For the early recordings, they would literally set up rows of the recorders and the orchestra would play the song. They would then reload the recorders and the orchestra would play again.