Old Philips CD as transport or new playe

I need help with an upgrade. I have a 10 year old Philips CD-50 CD player, which happens to have a digital out. I see my options as:
1. Use the Philips as a transport and buy a reasonable (e.g, MSB or Perpetual) DAC; or
2. Toss the Philips and get a new player or transport-DAC combo.

Can I get some input on whether a 10 year old player (original retail about $300) will mate well with a new DAC or is it too old to be worthwhile and I should buy a new player/transport-DAC? Prefer to stay around $1,500.

BTW, the rest of my system is Plinius SA-100 Mk III amp, Rogue 99 pre-amp, into Coincident Super Eclipse speakers.

Thanks for the help!!

Showing 3 responses by dekay

Seldener & Slingshot: I use the Icon MKII as a transport with the Bel Canto DAC and it sounds great. Out of curiosity I tried a friends new/used Meridian 506.24 player as a transport and could just detect a little more definition in the bass and mid bass, but it was very slight indeed and really could not hear a difference in the mids and highs. I have also been tempted by the Theta transports, which are said to wonderfull, but have decided to wait and see if SACD takes off. If it does I will trade the CAL for an SACD player and use the BC to improve its standard CD playack. If SACD flunks out then I will probably end up trying one of the Theta's. The addition of a good DAC (one that I enjoy the sound of) though has been one of the best upgrades that I have done. Regardless of which amp I use in the system (I switch between SS and tubes) it always sounds great.
Seldener: The DAC would just be the first step in your case and would give immediate gratification. With a DAC however you will have the added expense of a good digital IC as well as a good power cord and isolation components (if you involve yourself with these things). Elizabeth is correct in that DAC's seem to have fallen out of vogue, which means that used prices are even better at this time. Adding a low to mid priced player would certainly improve your source from what it is now, but considering the rest of your system it would just be a compromise. Good used DAC's are available for under $1000. The trick is to figure out which one is to your liking (I personally do not care for many of the $1000-$2000 ones and couldn't care less for most of the one box players in this price range as well - retail price). Yes, your transport could go at any time, but on the other hand it could just as well continue functioning for many more years. When it does go just replace it, if you have not already done so beforehand. Good one box players are available for as little as $1500 on the used market which is another option. I do not intend on replacing existing software with the SACD versions, but would like to take advantage of the format if the software does become readily available, which I am already set up to do (by just replacing the transport). In the meantime I do not feel that I have compomised on sound quality within my budget constraints.
Prfont: Of course I did, are you kidding? When I get any piece of gear in my home (especially one that does not cost me anything) I audition it up one leg and then down the other. I preferred the sound of the Icon II to that of the 506.24 in my system (when running them om their own). The CAL was richer and a tiny bit more forward sounding with a heavier bottom end and fuller mids. The 506.24 had more detail going for it but was just not the sound that I like in my setup. However in my friends system which has full range speakers, and is a SS amp/tube pre combo system, the 506.24 was my preference as the CAL had too much bass and on this we both agreed. I guess that it is always best to audition first.