old krell kma 400,s mono blocks

had em recapped for $5000 aus 5 years ago, they are 27 years old, they sound great, everyone told me I was mad. were they right?
Hey stevecham, I had a pair of Klipchorn corner horns for 15 years then sold them to our guitarist for $2000 more than I paid for them [ they were 15000 then] I then went to Theil 3.6,s I always found them harsh or edgy. maybe it was the Krell kma 400,s. I traded them up to Usher B.E 20,s and coupled 2 N.H.T. twin 12 inch subs to them.   sounds to good for my tired old ears. Jesus how did 45 years of music just vanish. Maybe there is music in heaven
I had them recapped by Kimil Electronics in N.S.W. Australia [Sydney]
He had to source half of the capps from Singapore The freight cost me $500 each way  from Cairns to Sydney, [ about 3000 klms ]
Thanks stevecham ,ebm and georgelofi, its always good to get reassurance. I love em, but I live in the tropics and air conditioning is a must
with these. If you have steel capped boots and a fork lift ,no worries

Stumpy, nice you got them recapped, but can you say who did the job in Australia?

As being a tech there's a max of $1000 for all ps caps and board caps, and a good day maybe 1.5 days labour.  

Cheers George  

Well then, "Everyone" is wrong and you are not mad. If those Krell mono blocks sound great to you, then indeed they DO. I have a 1975 Marantz 2070 receiver and a pair of 1969 AR 2AX speakers that I recently restored and recapped and the combination sounds absolutely wonderful and is as musically satisfying as my 250W Manley mono block tube amps and Thiel speakers, let alone any of the other systems I’ve owned and enjoyed for the past 20 years. Just because components are no longer "current" doesn’t mean they can’t continue to deliver musical satisfaction.