Old CDs and records

I just came to the very belated realization that my many years’ collection of thousands of CDs  and (most likely) records are probably extinct and hence worthless. Unless I go through the arduous task of cataloguing each and every disc for resale, the mass collection is just so much junk. 
I could donate the collection.  But, at this point, does anyone want antiquated technology when streaming is so easy and prevalent. 
Anyone have any ideas?


Showing 1 response by flrun

I would buy the CDs in a heart beat, I just bought a box of 100 from someone.

Why? Because I rip them all to my music server in FLAC and kick back on my sofa browse and play music.

I stream but just when making dinner, something like that. I don't feel that streaming is all that and I am just old school I prefer to have my music on a physical medium that I can pickup and touch.  And I don't feel that streaming HD has surpassed the quality of CD by a significant margin.

But thats just me.