Well Suzy, looks like ya like the rest of us and always want more, more, more. How ya like the Bat 30se? I've tried the Bat 50se and did not like it, but I did like the Bat 3i. Prefer the new bat stuff do to new user options, so I may go with a Bat 30, to match w/my vk200. By the way, glad to see you on the field.
Okay Ladies
Thought this would get your attention. Just wondering is there any women in this hobby. Now it doesn't count if its your husbands system, but if you are just as obsessive as he is w/it, than it does count. There's women in cars, skydiving and everything else, so I figured there must be some Ladies in this hobby(hobbies do not choose sex). So if there are any of you(Ladies) out there tell us about your equip., how long you've been in it, how you got in it, and anything else you like.