OK, so seriously, what is up with TMR's pricing here??

I'm not saying it's high or low, though I've read here that they're over-priced.  I'm talking about the number of the price itself.  Examples:

speakers:  $1008.00

pre-amp:  $504.00

pre-pro:  $1310.00

speakers:  $6644.00

speakers:  $2846.00

music server:  $351.00 ( this has to be my favorite)  What's with the $1.00?

turntable:  $2017.00  (17 bucks, really?)

DAC:  $382.00

monoblocks:  $5219.00

You get the idea...It's just weird man. 

It is also possible that they enter their cost for an item in the computer and it multiplies that figure by a desired percentage for the sale price.  The computer would not care if that figure was not an even number, but would automatically arrive at a price for each item.  I used to use Quickbooks in my business, and it had that feature.
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My assumption is they are factoring in the Audiogon ad fee on top of their base pricing.  

Must be using some kind of algorithm that doesn’t round up or down to “charm” pricing. The psychology around ending price points is a topic unto itself.