OK, so I have to ask. Is this real, or is this a joke?

This is plastered several times on the Audiogon home page: "High Fidelity Cables NPS-1260 3D Enhancer 1.5ml" for $349. Am I late to the April fool’s party?   How much for a gallon?

Showing 6 responses by mijostyn

Thanx clearthinker for thinking clearly. Please let me be more blunt. Anybody who buys this stuff is being sucker punched. It does ABSOLUETLY NOTHING to improve the quality of ANYTHING. Please, spend your money on better equipment. Support those that make an honest living making great equipment for us not these charlatans. 
@theaudiotweak , jealousy will get you no where.

Some of us have the audacity to stand up to this BS. I'm not doing this for my own gratification although I have to admit it is fun tweaking these people. I am doing it to save people who are not as learned about these things from wasting their hard earned money on garbage. 
@pauly , sticks and stones. 

You going for a ride in a car missing one front wheel? Think it might be dangerous? But, you are an idiot for never trying it first. 

Some of us actually know what is going on so we can be self assured in our position. What you think you hear is in reality what you think you hear.
Hearing is so plastic it is an unreliable gauge to use in assessing audio accuracy. I did not say sound quality. I do not like perfectly accurate sound in regards to frequency response. But you have to start somewhere and Flat is as good a place as any. Do you know what flat sounds like? Do you have any idea what the frequency response of your system in your room is? You can measure it you know.
@pauly , really? Of course I am irritating you. You have no intelligent response. Puff up those feathers:-)
OK kudelka8, convince us that it works and do not tell us that somehow it sounds better. We have absolutely no way to control your hearing at a distance. Show us some data demonstrating improved conductivity. lower noise, something. Your ears are extremely poor test devices. They are weak and extremely inaccurate just like most of us. If you can hear it then a test device can pick it up. 

When you see stuff like this, obviously priced ridiculously the makers know it does not work. They are trying to get as much money out of it quickly. Something that really works will eventually sell in the boat loads making more profit at lower retail prices. You would want people to buy it to spread the word. To do that you would never price it like this. You would wait till everyone is hooked on it then raise prices. 

jdane, Thanx for the support.
Actually the analogy works for everyone unless you are truly suicidal. To link physical danger with financial danger is perfectly appropriate as they are both related to survival. It is only that one is not near as dangerous as the other. I used it to drive the point home. This is a typical example of humans using lay instinct to their financial advantage. It is rampant in the audiophile world and highly dishonest. 

The gold contacts that the vast majority of us use on low level and even high level devices have conductivity vastly superior to what we actually need. Thinking you can make a system sound better spreading anything on connectors is a great example of faulty thinking that at first glance seems to make sense. I bought some stuff in a syringe back in the early 80's. I do not remember the name but it was definitely an oil. Eventually I got down to AB testing it and it did absolutely nothing that I could reliably hear. Further examination of the subject reveled why.