OK, so I have to ask. Is this real, or is this a joke?

This is plastered several times on the Audiogon home page: "High Fidelity Cables NPS-1260 3D Enhancer 1.5ml" for $349. Am I late to the April fool’s party?   How much for a gallon?

Showing 2 responses by herman

Through magnetic conduction, NPS-1260 works on a micro-level to bind the electrons in your connectors, improve their transfer of energy, and direct the current more fluidly

 I have no idea if it improves the sound, but this marketing statement is pure bull crap. 

"magnetic conduction" is BS
"bind the electrons in your connectors" is BS
"direct the current more fluidly" is BS

current is not the flow of electrons and there is no such thing as magnetic conduction

if everything they say is BS it doesn't mean it doesn't do something, but it doesn't do what they say  because they are just making stuff up.

If you can hear it then a test device can pick it up

If true, this means that we have a complete understanding about how the human brain receives and process external stimulus. It means we have been able to quantify everything that has to do with how we hear and how our brain reacts to this stimulus. It means we have test equipment capable of measuring everything that has anything to do with how we hear and how our brain works.

which of course means....  it isn't true. 

When someone says the tried something and it didn't improve the sound, that is useful to me. When someone says "Don't bother trying it, it couldn't possibly help," that isn't.
thank you