OK, so I have to ask. Is this real, or is this a joke?

This is plastered several times on the Audiogon home page: "High Fidelity Cables NPS-1260 3D Enhancer 1.5ml" for $349. Am I late to the April fool’s party?   How much for a gallon?

Showing 2 responses by drjim21

Sadly, possibly not - if this product is based on 'Stabilant 22' - then it does actually do significant good as a contact enhancer/decrapifier. 20 years ago, a Very Large Airplane Company in Seattle was paying something close to $5000+ per liter for full strength bottles of this stuff.

Cagey HiFi folks carried empty 'White-Out' bottles and caged dropper fills from the electronics techs - a 10 Ml dropper full made a perfect 5:1 dilution in a 50 Ml White-Out bottle, and would treat all the low-level signal connections in a stereo system.

Avionics testers loved Stabilant 22, because they'd have a high degree of confidence that anomalous results came from the 'Device Under Test' - and not from within their test rig.

They'd build up a room full of gear, run a calibration test, and create a performance parameter document. Then they'd test some shiny new widget, look at the readouts, curse, and rerun calibration.

Glee and jubilation would breakout when the testing lash up came out spot on the document spec - which it would do for months or even years after the initial build - there simply was no discernable drift or fluctuation caused by their complex cabling.

They'd get to send the red-tagged widget back to engineering for rework on a Thursday - forcing weekend overtime for "The idiots who don't know how the <really> test things" - and all go off to the racetrack to bet on the ponies.
Hats off to vinylshadow229 for putting his money where his mouse is, although $330ish seems a bit dear to us.

If you'd like to experiment with contact enhancers, a 5Ml 'kit' of original Stabalent 22 that yields 30Ml of diluted product is available on Amazon for less than $60 - still pretty spendy, but somewhat more affordable.

And asvjerry2, I've been in relationships where only drugs give sufficient clarity to see that the window is by far the best way out...
