OK - Now What…?

Gryphon Diablo 300
Sonus Faber Serafino Tradition 
Aurender A10 Streamer/DAC
Triode Wire Connectors
Amazon Sine-Wave Battery Back-Up
Transparent PowerBank

I sadly got rid of all my vinyl ages ago…so I’m not sure I’m ready for a high-end TT….

I am absolutely thrilled with the sound of this system. Honey - Chocolate Mouse - Chilean Sea Bass - and then Gordon Ramsey jumps out at me screaming expletives but then Mother Teresa calms him down.

Guys - What’s my next move…? 
The Amazon commercial back-up…? Better power conditioning…?

Any and all suggestions welcome…!

Thank you..!


Showing 1 response by elliottbnewcombjr

Just in case, plan on room for a TT.

To easily get back into Vinyl, this Direct Drive Audio Technica comes with cartridge mounted and aligned, you just select tracking force and matching anti-skate.


It has a built-in optional phono eq, so you can use it with any line level input. I preferred this phono eq to a McIntosh C28 phono, it sounds darn good.

Then, if you get hooked, off you go

upgrade step one: get a spare headshell and a new cartridge with an advanced stylus shape; wider channel separation; and tighter channel balance.


Advanced stylus shape cost more at first, however they last longer, so not much more really.

  • Spherical / Conical - 150hrs
  • Elliptical - 250hrs
  • Shibata/Line contact - 400hrs
  • SAS/MicroRidge - 500hrs


note: a few inexpensive tools and skills (you or a friend) are needed to mount and align any cartridge, the advanced stylus shapes need precision for maximum performance and reduce wear to LP grooves.

upgrade two: new TT. Get an arm with removable headshell for existing and future cartridges, including an eventual Mono cartridge.