OK - Now What…?

Gryphon Diablo 300
Sonus Faber Serafino Tradition 
Aurender A10 Streamer/DAC
Triode Wire Connectors
Amazon Sine-Wave Battery Back-Up
Transparent PowerBank

I sadly got rid of all my vinyl ages ago…so I’m not sure I’m ready for a high-end TT….

I am absolutely thrilled with the sound of this system. Honey - Chocolate Mouse - Chilean Sea Bass - and then Gordon Ramsey jumps out at me screaming expletives but then Mother Teresa calms him down.

Guys - What’s my next move…? 
The Amazon commercial back-up…? Better power conditioning…?

Any and all suggestions welcome…!

Thank you..!


Showing 1 response by bigtwin

If you are "absolutely thrilled with the sound of this system", there is only one question you need to answer.  Will the tiny improvement in sound, that buying new equipment MIGHT give you, be completely drowned out by the sound of your money flying out the window????   I have personally dolled out thousands of dollars on the promise that I would hear the difference, only to end up with yet another upgrade to my system, but no discernable improvement to the sound.