OK - now total confusion has set in

Thanks to the many (and varied) responses to my request for rack advice - (and reading the other numerous threads on the subject) - I have become a 'mush mellon' if you will - Totally Confused!

If I get this correct....certain components require hard,solid shelves ranging from butcher block to granite and marble - others require lighter materials such as birch plywood or Nueance shelves. Some shelves require spikes point up, some spikes point down, others various forms of rubber, plastic, foam, air filled, oil filled - whatever - feet.

Just when I thought I might have a grip on the situation - and decided to have a rack made of Cherry (a very open design with no side or back pannels just Cherry styles and rails - as they are called in the furniture/cabinet business) and marble shelves 'all' supported by AudioPrism
IsoBearings Isolation Globes - I think I am making a huge mistake that will make my new babys sound 'dead'.

At this point - cinder blocks and a 2X6 is looking promising! ;)

Any comments gentlemen and ladies?


Showing 1 response by tim2x

erik see if you can find a copy of bob harley's book the complete guide to high end audio.i beleive it will help you immensely.oh and i own a biily bags rack which i love.sometimes it ends up being more of a hindrance than a help when there are so many options.best of luck tim2x