ok im opening pandoras box here.(treatment vs framed wall art)

So i am in a dedicated 2:1 room and am treating it for sound ,it is very bright. Although I enjoy having a selection of framed pictures on my wall they vibrate and ring.I see so many unreal setups in the forum with a ton of pics on the walls. How are you mellowing the room down with 15 glass framed pics on your wall? .I realize its a battle between form and function but ...

Showing 1 response by folkfreak

Unfortunately glass will have to go. Notwithstanding the suggestion to add SR products these will only tame but not remove the effects of the highly acoustically reflective pictures (I have a full SR ART and HFT setup originally installed in my SoCa all glass modern house which you can see in my old system description)

 I experienced just this in my new room gradually eliminating each piece of artwork and hearing the improvement at each step. I still have a window but that is itself heavily treated. There's no comparison in how good the two rooms sound

luckily manufacturers of acoustic treatments have realized that not all of us want to look at plain cloth so are now making acoustic panels that double as art, for example ArtPanels from GIK acoustics are well priced and attractive.