OK,getting close-- VAC 30/30 SIG. is a good.....

first tube amp?????.does this amp have a seperate pwr supply????also will it drive am old 802 B&W or do i need a more efficient speaker...thks [lookin' for a get it done right the first time first tube amp]

Showing 2 responses by raquel

The 30/30 Signature is a supurb amp that will drive a lot of speakers, but it is not right for 802's of any vintage. It should be run with a 90 db. or higher efficient speaker, and a speaker of very high quality (Verity, etc.).

The added nice thing about the 30/30's is the long-life 300-B output tubes that auto-bias and the output tube failure shutdown feature -- all you do is turn the amp on and off, and every five years or so, replace the output tubes. No tube amp hassles.
I know a dealer who hooked a 30/30 up to a pair of the very hard to drive N801's just for laughs, and it drove the speakers, nothing blowing up, but I respectfully disagree that the 30/30 would be right for any iteration of the 802, which requires a great deal of power to sound right (i.e., to have the timbre and dynamics portrayal the designer intended). If, for example, one were to run a 30/30 with 802's in an average sized room with orchestral music through a good analog rig or from DSD, there won't be proper headroom. I know this from my own VAC amps: I ran the twice-as-powerful 70/70 Mk. III for two years and have run the four-times-as-powerful 140/140' Mk. IIIs for the last five years in my main system. The VAC Renaissance amps have excellent power supplies and use expensive output transformers, and can eat for lunch a lot of supposedly much more powerful tube amps, but there is no substitute for real current when faced with a speaker, like all iterations of the 802, that feature low impedences in the bass and steep phase angles. Will the 30/30 drive the 802's? Sure. Will it sound the way the designer intended the speaker to sound? Sometimes yes, but sometimes, no. The 802's sound good with the Rowland Model 8 and other warmish solid-state amps that are very high current.

We're really missing the point, however, which is, why put a supurb amp like the 30/30 with a speaker like 802's? (older versions, that is -- the new 802D is a very good speaker). A 30/30 into Verity Parsifal Encores, for example, is a formidible combo. I have also heard a 30/30 make a pair of Meadowlark Herons really sing.

The VAC dealer who sold me my 70/70 very frankly told me that the 30/30 is the honey of that vintage of VAC amps (which says A LOT). A very good salesman I know runs 30/70 monoblocks. In any event, these amps are special -- it wouldn't be unreasonable to just buy one and build your system around it.