OK,getting close-- VAC 30/30 SIG. is a good.....

first tube amp?????.does this amp have a seperate pwr supply????also will it drive am old 802 B&W or do i need a more efficient speaker...thks [lookin' for a get it done right the first time first tube amp]

Showing 1 response by bigshutterbug

The VAC 30/30 Signature does not have a separate outboard power supply, bu the new VAC Phi 30/30 does. Either of the amps are more than capable of driving the B & W 802 speakers with plenty of energy and control. Depending on your room size and listening preferences, the 32 w.p.c. that the amp puts out are only capable of sane SPL's with the 802 speakers. The amp is very stable with even tougher loads than the 802's, and will surprise you even if you are use to far more powerful solid state designs.
The 30/30 is one of the most musical amps I have ever owned, and is extremely dependable as well. The newest Phi version is even more detailed and quieter with it's improved, larger outboard power supply. It is also a visual work of art! Service from VAC is as good as it gets in high end audio. I have owned 4 different 30/30's over the last 10 years, including the Phi amp, and never had a single problem with any of them. A fantastic product!