Ok, beating the dead horse AGAIN

Need some kind of suggestion for Pre-amp with Plinius 100 MkIII. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by foreverhifi

Suggestions? Ok how about other equipment your using(i.e., speakers, cd player, interconnects, etc.)? Also, what's your budget? I like tube preamps myself largely, unless your using a passive preamp for low dynamic/highly transparant needs. Otherwise, the tube CAT preamps are really hard to beat high end pre's!
For cheap, the Audio REsearch LS series tube pre's(with the right tubes) are nice preamps. They're a bit warm bodied in the bass though. The Copeland tube pre is a really nice $2k retail preamp, found at around $800 used I think. The Audible Illusiions Mod 3a is highly talked about, but hard to get serviced(takes almost 1 year often for turnaround from factory) if needed. Then the less expensive CJ's are worth trying, perhaps a BAT, and as well as the older Sonic Frontiers SFL2/3 or Line 2 or 3's.(as always, upgraded tubes are usually a plus).
Again, this all depends on system matching of course. I've had speakers that sound good ONLY with all solid state gear! Most high end does well with some sort of TUBE somewhere in the sysetem however. Infact I just came back from CES, and listened to a lot of high end gear, one room after another. Tubes usually sounds more magical, sweet, well bodied, and often more musical. The SS often sounds a bit more cold, neutral, drier, or more clinical. However I've found good compromises with BAT tube stuff.
So you'll just have to try something and you'll know.