Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.

Showing 12 responses by austingonzo

Like others over the years, I have slogged through all 57 pages of this post before opening an Audiogon account and making my first post to this forum thread.

I recently obtained a pair of 4XO's here in Austin from a young man who had been gifted them, but was wholly unready to understand and appreciate them.  I purchased them from him off of Craigslist for $250.

They do have some condition issues: chipped veneer, missing basket grilles and a can somehow completely freed from its epoxy among them.  I have installed them in my available listening area and have spent a fair amount of time trying to dial them in.  (The listening area is extremely problematic.)

I am relatively new to the audiophile ranks, and I have been slowly ramping up purchases of used gear and trying things out.  (This means making low dollar commitments and making plenty of mistakes, of course.)  In so doing, I'm following the pattern I established with amateur astronomy seven or eight years ago: read forums, buy used gear, join Society, etc.  One of my recent purchases was a set of Allison Acoustics CD-7's, which will now rotate to surround duties.

I have had an initial conversation with John S., and he was as gracious as everyone has previously mentioned.  My budget is extremely constrained (mortgage, kid, WAF, etc.), and so I likely will risk the UPS gods at some point soon to send the drivers in for maintenance.  I don't believe I can afford any trade ins/upgrades.  I am awaiting John's feedback and recommendations for addressing my space.

I am currently maintaining a Pioneer Elite VSX-LX301 for home theater duties and room correction (MCACC).  It is not rated for the impedance of the Ohms or the Allisons, but it is doing fine so far for the levels at which we listen to TV and movies.  I can also use it with my Sony BDP to access multichannel audio recordings stored on my home server.  I am doing my two-channel listening on a vintage Pioneer VSX-D1S transitional AVR.  That was a recent "upgrade" from another vintage AVR, the Rotel RX-950AX.  I have a Denon + Ortophon for my albums.  I also run Roon server on my workstation and feed a Raspberry Pi doing dual duty to a HiFiBerry Digi+ and a Scarlett 2 series for streaming.

At this point, I mostly wanted to say "hi" and share how interesting I found the 9+ year exchanges of experiences and opinions on this thread.  Thanks for letting me share my find with you.


Goodness!  I'm not sure how anyone got the impression I have a trust issue with John.  The trust issue is with UPS.

John and I had a discussion about how to return the drivers for maintenance.  I assumed he had a reverse logistics solution in place to send out call tags and packing materials.  No sirree!  He trusts UPS about as much as he can throw them, as witnessed by the excess of packaging noted by previous posters when shipping new product.

Our conversation consisted of his recommending that I take the drivers to the UPS office and let THEM choose the packaging (double boxed at a minimum) and insure the hell out of them.

John said or did nothing to shake my confidence in him.

While the wife and kiddo were out on Saturday, I indulged in some high-SPL listening of Graceland and other albums on vinyl.  My normal listening level is around 7-9 o'clock position on my Pioneer VSX-D1S (http://www.hifi-classic.net/review/pioneer-vsx-d1s-435.html
On Saturday I took it up to 12.  I  didn't notice the loudness at all until there was a squawking saxophone that  set me off, and I had to dial it back to 11 temporarily.  I  get emotional when I  listen now, so I sat in my listening chair with tears in my eyes for several hours.

Yes, my 4XO's like power.
@mapman has the right idea: buy and pay Ohm for maintenance or upgrade and sit pretty for dramatically lower investment.
Someone picked those up at auction for $200 yesterday.  Hopefully, it's someone on this thread who can appreciate them.
John speaks to his imaging philosophy: "My reference sound level is the level I enjoy in a live setting, sitting in the center about 12-15 rows back in Carnegie Hall: be the performance a solo singer or full orchestra."
Understand.  I was just logging back in to say I know I mixed terms (sound level and imaging), but I think the statement is still representative of how he approaches the entire endeavor.
There are a lot of blog posts on the Ohm site, and they are worth reading through.  You get a pretty good idea of how John thinks about his business and his products, including the topics you asked about.
I realize you said @snapsc that you're not necessarily intending to follow Ohm's recommendations....
I am probably the least competent commentator on this thread, as I have fallen into communities of speaker owners (Allison Acoustics and Ohm) more by chance than design; and I have purchased used when the opportunity arose, rather than a painstaking trial-and-error process.
I can share a couple of small observations:1) I got rid of my subwoofer with my 4XO's.  Only rarely do I miss a more solidly defined low end.2) Strangely enough, I recall more bass feeling (in the feet, not the chest) from my much smaller Allison CD-7s when I was using them as my mains (they're now my surrounds).
If you like more bass, I'd consider adding subwoofer to taste.

Yeah, the listing implies they work with third party shippers, but if I were interested in pursuing this option outside of Charlotte, I'd call Goodwill first to confirm terms.
It was enjoyable to run across the site.  The time of the publication far preceded my interest in the subject matter of quality audio.  I did already run across a nice interview with Roy Allison in Issue 18, so I have a lot of ancient history to read through.
Many apologies for any distractions from the main threads, and if this post duplicates another elsewhere.

I was tooling around Reddit today and found links to back issues of Audio Critic magazine.  I was hopeful I could find a review of "modern" Ohms.  In the earliest days I saw the Ohm F was reviewed.  In the last issue archived on this site I found a review of the Walsh 200 Mk-2's (which apparently were technically upgraded from older 4's).


Newer models have been released since the 2003 publication date, but I found it an interesting read nonetheless.

Start on page 21 of the publication.
