Ohm Walsh F Hope of Resurrection

Now I have F's with rotten surrounds, but rest look nice, perfect even. Cones, spiders look great. 

One surround is done, decimated.  Other is intact, perhaps replacement as is not identical. 

Perhaps I try replacing surround? 
Any new and improved surround options? Willing to replace/ get repaired more, if necessary.  

Cursory search doesn't reveal any drop in replacement.  Or, am I wrong? I see the Ohm return/upgrade to newer version options. 

Experienced and insider opinions sought. I'm not cheap, and I'll spend the money to obtain the exceptional if needed. So, what are the likely and less likely options   TIA
What is that one "clone", HHR? Need to check...  i heard it at a show years ago. 

Showing 1 response by musicbox78

Be carefull of the $$$ scammers out their, 7 - 8 Grand in just insane period. The two names mentioned here, Dale and Bill are perhaps the last two people that can do them correct. Mr Bill LeGall told me about 15 years ago he only did maybe a couple a year. Bill had agreed to do my F"s but I then backed out. Have owned many nice pairs over the years, but its always like walking on eggshells their so fragile to overpower.

Had the 3000 series for Ohm 4XO install breaking in, then a right ch. tweeter went and i returned and got my funds back. Did have Ohm redo my 4XO drivers. Funny mine weight twice as much as them 3000 series drivers. Still love the model F ..... just not scrambled eggs!