Ohm "Tall "speakers: Overall 2000 responses on a thread from 2008

There is a post from 2008 about the Ohm "Tall" speakers.  It is astounding that this thread garnered over 2000 responses.  Does anyone know if Ohm has improved this model over the last 11 years instead of just sitting back.  

Regardless of the fact that it is officially classified as an "Omni directional" design  how does it rate as an "audiophile" speaker?  The price has increased since 2008, but has the sound quality improved by legitimate upgrades to this particular model?. 

For the record, it has a few new competitors, in particular, the Larsen 4.2 and 6.2 speakers.  Though, they are not necessarily tagged "OMNIS"  they share similar characteristics to the Ohms.

I recently auditioned  the Larsen 4.2. They were impressive for the overall clarity of the midrange, naturalness of timbre, and strong bass for such a small speaker (30 inches tall) which must be placed directly against the wall Soundstaging was good but not great.. 

The  Larsen 4.2 retail  for $2200 which is close in price to the Ohm "Talls"  The model 6.2 retails for $4300  and touted to offer more of the same sound quality as the 4.2.   Larsen does not offer a home trial option 




Showing 2 responses by sunnyjim

Thank you to all, (especially frazeur 1 and Mmisstl) for their responses and advice. I will keep you posted. Still would like to hear the Larsen 6.2  to compare to 4.2 and possibly the Ohm MWT.  Could consider the Ohm 1000 somewhere down the line.

Cheers to all,



To frazeur:  Thank you for the advice. I have been offered the same about Ohms' 120 day home trial. I  actually contacted John Strohbeen a few times, but no demo pairs of the MWT's were available..

Let me clarify my position on several points.  First, I am not looking for a particular type of sound, but something better than the speakers, I currently own, the Golden Ear Technology model 7 speakers. This is a very good speaker, and I can probably live with them forever. It does the things that a "high-fidelity" speaker should do, but over the last four years  I have identified its shortcomings. Comparing it to the Larsen 4.2's, I would say the Larsen's sound very natural and musical in the midrange up to the mid-treble The GET 7 has much better highs and possibly greater dynamics. One particular area of the Larsen's that was stunning ( for its size) was its clear, impactful and solid bass. In my opinion. the Larsen "tends" toward being an audiophile level speaker because they bring you into the music and hold your attention. I can say that is much less true of the GET 7'S. because they sound more like typical hi-fi than real or engaging music. Nevertheless, Sandy Gross of GET has built  one hell of speaker for $1400.

On this issue of engaging and/or musical sound quality, Read Herb Reichert's review of the Wharfdale Linton Heritage.85  speakers. Overall, he concludes that the speaker "plays music" in the tradition of some of the greatest vintage speakers of the past. I owned the Wharfdale 80th Anniversary bookshelf which is an impressive, easy to listen to speaker, but never moved toward audiophile level or sound quality.  Reichert's "go to speaker" I think is still the Devore O-96. and at times one of the smaller Harbeth, or Sterling Broadcast monitors.  Regardless, that is one man's opinion, but I have come to admire his reviews which employ a few of his favorite integrated amps to see which one mates well and does the best job bringing life to the speaker on review.

Second, I only mentioned the OHMS because of its small size and slim profile. The price range is similar to the Larsens, and possibly the build quality. Both are appealing because I want to downsize my system, and reclaim some of my living room.

I not sure this  reveals my entire purpose, but for the record here is a chronological list of speakers I have owned over the last 45 years, and dates)  Rectilinear 10's (197I);  Bose 501's  (1973)  ESS 7's (1975)  Double Advents (1976-1980);  KEF 104ab's (1980); B&W Matrix 3's MKII; (1986);  Vandersteen 1c; (2001)  Silverline Prelude MKII  (2005);  Acoustic Zen Adagios (2011) Golden Ear Technology model 7 (2016)   


