Ohm Speakers, thoughts?

I have long dismissed Ohm speakers as anything that could be competitive in todays state of the art. But of course I want to believe that this "old" American company still has some horsepower left to compete with asian built speakers built by people that take in less money in a week than my dog sitter takes in the couple hours it takes to let my dogs out to crap when I am away for a day :)? The reviews I have read here and there report incredible imaging but what about other aspects of the Ohm 5 II. Any thoughts?

Showing 2 responses by morphixnm

The last post here was from Dale, 7 years ago! Where are we now with Walsh drivers?
Thanks Jedenite24 for your response.

It looks like Dale is the one true continuation of the Walsh legacy. I bought a pair of Ohm Fs back in the late 70s and powered them with a 500 watt McIntosh. It was an amazing sound. I sold them in the early 80s when I needed the cash.

I picked up a pair of Ohm Walsh 2s a couple of years ago and have a Sony STR-AV880 amplifier, which sounds OK but no longer at those lofty audio heights. I do hope someday to obtain one of Dale's new designs and a new amp, but till then will have to just go on my memories and readings.