Ohm Speakers Status Update

Signs of life from a great American loudspeaker brand!






Showing 1 response by pryso

@oldaudiophile, a parallel universe story.

My sister had a pair of Ohm bookshelf speakers (Cs or Ds) from her first marriage.  Her new husband had Bose 901s.  I helped install them in the rec room and living room respectively.  My brother-in-law didn't care about differences but my sister preferred listening to the Ohms.  I did too. but admittedly I'm not a Bose fan, having very briefly owned a pair myself.

Some years later she complained they no longer sounded good.  A quick investigation showed the woofer surrounds failed, so I helped get those re-foamed.  Now after she has owned them >40 years they still sound good.

Somehow I'm on the mailing list for Ohm and the announcement I received indicated the move from Brooklyn to Bridgeport.  It read like full operations there now.