Office Digital Audiophile System

I've been thinking about putting a nice audio system in my den based around the Sennheiser HD-650 headphones. Don't want to take up too much space. I would rip my cd's to disc on my office computer. Then buy something like a Grace m902 Stereo Reference Headphone Amplifier (also has a built-in DAC) so I could it feed toslink or USB directly from the computer and then listen on the HD-650's.

Does anyone know of alternatives to this? How's the sound quality of the m902?

Showing 1 response by comfycouchxyz950b

Check out the Apogee Mini-DAC:

You could run your 650's either from the Headphone jack in the front, or you can get a balanced cable and use the XLR outputs in the back. You can get this with or without USB (it's an add-in card) and there is also a Firewire card coming sometime.

PS Audio is also coming out with a Headphone amp in the next few months - No details yet, but you can follow the discussion in their forum:

registration required for forum:

Sounds like it will have:
USB input only
RCA output (passthrough)
about $799