...off on an adventure...

Hello to all...

Have one dead speaker ( no idea exactly what’s wrong - except the flame and puff of smoke that came out of it as it stopped working indicated not a minor problem), parts not available from manufacturer (too old) and don’t have $$$ for investigating new adapted parts for 2 speakers; SO -

I’m off on an adventure to do a mono setup.

Can I take a CD player, pass it into a mono amp and run this thru to the still-working speaker?

(Hand holding would be appreciated) Was thinking of trying to find an old cabinet setup ( like a Grundig, probably tubes )
disect it and go from there... Unless I can find a true modern mono amp.

🤔Help - Ideas - Rescue or 😱 Dissuading appreciated...


Showing 1 response by insearchofprat


... Volume was way up... Bumped into a switch that changed CD/DAC input on interconnects to optical line into DAC in integrated amp. Integrated being repaired (saw smoke from the back of the int). Big bass note went "BLAT" and sent me heading down this path...
Thanks for your recommendations - will follow your "path"...