Odyssey Stratos : what preamp ?


i have trouble deciding which preamp to use with the Stratos. I am interested in the Adcom 750 and the Bryston 25, but was wondering if any Stratos owners out there have any experience to share ?

I love the Stratos, but unfortunately i ma having real trouble driving it directly with a Wadia CDP (static problem). Hence the need for a pre.


Showing 1 response by upscaleaudio

I suggest any preamp that is not too vivid. That can mean a tube preamp....maybe one that has a smidge of warmth. The Audio Electronics Supply DJH would kill if you can afford $1200. The Musical Fidelity is great if you want solid state. Classe may work too...as they are controlled sounding, which may be good (we don't sell Classe...but I am talking about this system)

You may want to give more info about budget and need for remote or phono.