Odyssey Kismet Reference series.

To anyone who has listened extensively to the Odyssey Kismet Reference series of amps, etc - how does the sound fair in comparison to a regular Stratos or the like?


Showing 1 response by audioman74

I have upgraded my Odyssey Khartago SE+++ to the Kismet with the 850va toroid and 200,000 uf of symphonic filter capacitance, the Kismet board and high-end speaker binding posts, all stuffed into the Khartago chassis. Before I mention how it sounds, know that the 850va transformer extends up to the top of the chassis cover resulting in the rear of the cover not sealing on the rear of the case. I wanted the Kismet electronics placed in the Khartago case to save money. That said, the cover is held by four screws and safely slides on and off fairly easily. I would suggest ordering the Kismet in the Stratos chassis. I prefer the sleek look of the Khartago.

So, how does it sound?  After burning it in for 7 straight weeks, it sounds awesome!  I loved my tricked out Khartago, but the Kismet is even more effortless sounding. Bass goes deeper and with more muscle. The amp just sounds right. A runaway bargain compared to the mega-buck power amps. You really might find yourself asking if spending 10k for another amp is worth it. For me, the Odyssey stays as the centerpiece of my modest, yet system that punches WAY ABOVE its weight. A flat out killer solid state bargain! A keeper for life.