Odyssey kismet - emotiva xpa1 1000w ?

Have had 3 weeks with the kismet monos, please help me  with how a 200W mono pair can sound better, and not get hot, and seem relaxed and clearer than a 1000W pair of monoblocks??

  Driving at about 3.6- 4.9:ohm load. 
These 200W odyssey maps, seem to keep up with everything, faster, less fatiguing, and still overpower the 1000W amps,

 please, explain, so I understand the theory how 200W can sound better!and drive my speakers better than maps with 5X the power.


Showing 2 responses by arcticdeth

No one?

 200W monos maybe 370W @4 Ohm, blow away a pair of 1000W monos.

emos play louder, and have high gain, tweeters have hiss.

the Odyssey amps are sublime, relaxed sound,  bass is deep, VERY DEEP, the BIC speakers sound amazing, even better than with the Carver sunfire 600 Sig. not talking about volume, but, low to medium volume tunes, the Kismets, smash the emo and Sunfire amps. 
Carver is 600/1200/2400W 
and the odyssey kismet at a measley 200W @8 Ohm / maybe 350-380W WPC AT 4 Ohms. , sounds deeper, cleaner, more robust.  
Someone put this to words so I get it.
  How does an amp with low watts outperform, an amp w 3 X the power”?

Totally blown away!  My D-9 modded pair are about 3 - 3.6 at th slowest load.
    The Kismets kick em in the pants!
   Before the upgrade, I purchased a used stratos pair many years ago, they basically sat for a few years unused.
 One day I hooked them up, powered on, let sit for a couple weeks.
 They had old capacitors, small ones, red board maybe?
    These kismet AMPS  upgraded are absolutely IN THE WOW FACTOR!

these,amps are amazing.
 Crystal, deep bass, midrange is just so,........crunchy and fluid w Moore, schenker, travers, v Moore, etc etc

 I love these amps!