Odyssey Khartago ES or PS Audio Stellar S300?

I wonder if anybody listen side by side to Odyssey Khartago ES and PS Audio Stellar S300. They are close pricewise and both have good reviews. I’m looking for what we’re all looking for – transparency, details, controlled bass, separation of instruments, musicality… I use Mac C22 as preamp and Focal Electras BE 1028. Your expertise will be very much appreciated.


what have you gone with?

  The Odysseys are great.

   We bought a 15 year old stratos pair probably 4-5 years ago (in early 2010’s) red board, small black caps, didn’t keep up w my modded cerwin Vega D-9 pair. They beat up crown, QSC, and others. As well as the original odyssey amps I bought 

   Low volume, they were simply amazing!

  Contacted Klaus, he upgraded them to kismet monos, better parts, top VA transformer, the huge beer can caps by symphonic line. 
   They brought the Vegas to life, as well as my other speakers. 
   The worst is the break in, as hundreds of hours are needed!

 When I shut them off,....it took a good 5-6 days of being powered on to achieve that sound........

 keep us up to date....
Another Odyssey/Klaus fan.  I went a different direction with my system (towards class A biasing, higher speaker efficiency), but I still regret selling my Stratos dual mono, and think Odyssey would be a great way to go, if you need some juice.
Also, and YMMV, but I've had customer service contact with both companies, and would much prefer dealing with Klaus than PSA, though he can be hard to contact (or at least used to be).
I just purchased a pair of PS Audio Stellar M700 monoblocks to potentially replace my Stratos monoblocks. I just started listening but all of the comments above are ringing true. The Odysseys are much more musical to my ear. The Soundstage of the M700s is inferior (more disjointed and separated). I also hear a "graininess" that I don’t like w/ the M700s. There is more bass punch but I don’t consider that good as it seems bloated and not as tight. Overall, I will say that using the M700s, I hear several distinct speaker drivers whereas the Odyssey sounds like cohesive music. Unless something drastically changes, I will be returning the M700s.