odyssey amp's how do they compare to others

are other amp's just over priced? could most people tell one amp from another if it was covered with a cardboard box?the stratos seem to get rave reveiws.am I just crazy to send more money on other move expensive amps.thanks in advance to everybody this is a great website

Showing 1 response by ton1313

If you all have questions about the Stratos, join all of us happy owners over at www.harmonicdiscord.com there is a Odyssey specific forum that the owner Klaus will respond to all of your questions. And yes the amp is that good. I compaired it to a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 Tube Amp and the Stratos was right there with it for 1/4 of the price. Please note I am not saying that it has a tube like sound, just that the sound quality and control is very good.