odyssey amp's how do they compare to others

are other amp's just over priced? could most people tell one amp from another if it was covered with a cardboard box?the stratos seem to get rave reveiws.am I just crazy to send more money on other move expensive amps.thanks in advance to everybody this is a great website

Showing 1 response by jallen

I have listened to these amps as recently as a week ago at a friends house. They are very good indeed. They deserve a listen by all skeptics. They are grand, grainless, open and fast. I heard them with two different speakers and they were great with both. Recordings sounded very different, a tribute to the neutrality of the amps. I do not own them nor have a vested interest in how well they sell. I do hope that other companies take note however and learn how to build amps of this quality and price point. They are a steal. I have heard my share of tubes, Levinsons, Krells, CJ etc. I appreciate that quality can be affordable. And yes, I could live with them if I didn't already have an amp I am happy with. Klaus...Job well done. Jallen