Odyssey amp,excessive hiss with balanced outputs?

I use a stratos amp and have always been satisfied with its performance. I recently purchased some zu balanced cables and noticed excessive hiss in this set up. I never heard this before with the rca's and the bv audio preamp is extremely quiet and recommends balanced outs to make it even quieter. I emailed Klaus to see why it would be more audibible and am waiting for his reply. Let me know if there is something I can do to fix this problem, or if you have experienced this type of problem before. Thanks, chip

Showing 2 responses by socrates

The Stratos is NOT balanced. Yes, you can use XLR connections, however, it's just the connection, not the topology of the circuitry, so, in essence, nothing has changed but the cable, you're still running unbalanced. Perhaps the interconnects are not shielded and are picking up a lot of RF, or perhaps the cables are simply defective?
Asdf, I was highly skeptical as well reading all of the reviews, most of which where poorly written or vague, not offering much for reference beyond cheap receivers and other crummy gear. However, in spite of doubtful appearances, the glowing reviews have proven pretty accurate! You'll not find a better amp in terms of transparency, coherency, smoothness, bass control and a naturalness to the presentation at anywhere nears it's price. The Odyssey amps have almost magical transparency, a rightness to the sound that I find absolutely hypnotizing and intoxicating, you completely forget about the amp or any other piece of gear and become fully drawn into the performance, which is probably the highest praise I could give to an amplifier. Is it perfect? Of course not. There are amps that do every "hi-fi" thing a little better, (especially in terms of soundstaging), but you'll pay heavily for it if you also want to keep the musical balance and involvement as well.

The Stratos recently displaced a Musical Fidelity A3cr in my system and currently is giving a PS Audio HCA-2 a run for the money, both possessing many admirable yet distinctive traits. I’ll post a 3-way review/shootout once I finish the audition, if interested.