Oddball question, hooking up REL Storm III Subwoof

I just purchased a REL Storm III today used at a local dealer. they did not have anything but the subwoofer, Ie no, Neutrix Speaker connections...

I am trying to hook it up now in some manner, while waiting on my order of the connecting cable.

Using the LOW level input, is it possible to run an RCA out of the back of a DVD Players "audio out" subwoofer RCA output? I just did so and no sound came out of the REL. My set up does not allow me to use a Pre-Amp out, since I use an Integrated amp

Having no way to test the REL at the dealer, I am just hoping the thing is operational.


Also, asisde from the REL after-market speaker cable sold here by a Member "Zihkmark" are there other sources for the High Level Neutrix speaker connector?

Showing 2 responses by justlisten

thanks for those who have responded...Matchstikman, thanks for the Signalcable tip....I like his cables....didn't know he made a REL cable.

I do not think it is possible to run RCA direct from the DVD Subwoofer output (Denon 5900), the REL does have a LOW LEVEL gain control, but even at full volume, there is no sound......I believe the output direct from an RCA out of a DVD player is much too low to show any output to the SUB, since it is usually amplified to Line Level via a Preamp or processor, normally....

I've actually found the connectors and REL posts its wire diagrams on their website, so I will try a DIY cable initially. ..Until, I get the Neutrik Speakon conntector, the REL sits silent.....
I have gone to all the REL sites, Sumiko sites and live right by their HQs, ..I
am just trying to get the sub working prior to Monday.

Millenium Bill, I will try the TAPE LOOP, i had tried this, but on the "
PLAY" RCA on the JC Verider amp I am using with the sub, not the
"RECORD" RCA output.