Odd Power Cord--Recommendations?

I picked up a Tandberg integrated amp--no power cord. The socket only has 2 prongs and is smaller than the female end of a standard cord. Does anyone know what this type of socket is called, or who makes quality cord for it?

Thanks for your help.
I don't know what it's called either, but it sounds like the removeable power cord that came on my Pioneer CD recorder. Note; one side of the female end is square, and the other side is roundish. This seems to be a relatively new type of smaller, detachable power cord. You might check with Radio Shack about it. Good Luck. Craig
Post removed 
Jab: That Vans Evers site is a lot of fun. I emailed them and I'm waiting to hear. Thanks all for the help.
If it is the connection that Garfish describes above, Harmonic Tech makes an adapter with a male iec, allowing any aftermarket cord with female iec to be used. My understanding is that it is available at about half the price of the Vans Evers, and I use it with good results on my CD/DVD player. You can e-mail me and I'll direct you to where I got mine if you like.
The adapter is what I had read about previously (not an upgraded cord itself).