Octave Audio integrated amplifiers

Looking for feedback from anyone that's using Octave Audio integrated amps in their system. I'm interested in the V40 SE and the V70 SE but cannot find a lot of thoughts/comments on these.

Thanks in advance.

Showing 5 responses by rabbani

Hello All.,
Thanks for your suggestion and Please recommend me the best tube for v-70se? Becoz I am not tube guy also no knowledge on that lines.
How is your new integrated amp of V110? what is the tube now using with this? Understand that you are using Subwoofer with this amp, is it for stereo mode? if yes, any specific reason. Why am asking becoz am interested to purchase this amp. Currently I owned pass amp but is not enough power to drive my Dynaudio speakers. My other equipment's are Dyanudio crafft speakers, modwright oppo player and siltech silver cables. The room size s 10x14 (in feets). I listen jazz and blues. There is no dealer available in my region to take demo. Appreciated your detailed recommendation. Thanks.
Thanks Xti16. Whether this v110 is enough to run with my room size of 10x14? Need any sub woofer?
Xti16, To be frank I have used only SS amps all my time also no knowledge in tubes. Please suggest me below...
-Input suggested tubes & co (stack unit comes with what tube?)
-Driver suggested tubes& co (stack unit comes with what tube?)
-Output suggested tubes& co (stack unit comes with what tube?)
I know the tubes selection depended on own taste but here in my region not easy to try diff. tubes. Hence, I need to purchase the unit with right tubes form dealer. Thanks in advance your feedback.
Xti16, One more clarfications before decide the purchase. What will be diff b/w KT88 and KT120? Only the power diff. or character? I am plan to purchase v-70se. So, I can ask to fix the tubes at factory itself. Tks