Obscure companies making excellent speakers?

Found on the forum names of speaker manufacturers unfamiliar to me that supposedly are using new technologies or designs and as a result are making big impressions on fellow goners. Would like to see a list of these young and not so young companies that otherwise fly under the radar because advertisement just too expensive or not viable.

Showing 4 responses by mrtennis

quads unlimited in florida, a one or two person company, builds quad esl 57s. 4 of them will satisfy the most discriminating listener.
add to that ikonoklast and mark and daniel.

the former is a very interesting design. it uses two ohm/walsh tweeters and a transmission line. supposedly it has the transparency of a quad 57 , but i don't believe it. it sells for $4000/pair.
add podium to the list. regarding comparing all the speakers, it is better to listen to them and judge for yourself.
i heard the feastrex driver at the show. you can have it, and take the lowther two. both are not too my taste. i hear an unbalanced frequency response, i.e., too little bass and too much treble.