Obscure companies making excellent speakers?

Found on the forum names of speaker manufacturers unfamiliar to me that supposedly are using new technologies or designs and as a result are making big impressions on fellow goners. Would like to see a list of these young and not so young companies that otherwise fly under the radar because advertisement just too expensive or not viable.

Showing 2 responses by mehrakrishan

i have been following this thread and have a question,i heard rethm,s the sound was such as if i was sitting between the musicians ,i am looking at something similar with detailed relaxed and lifelike lively soundstage suitable for SET amp,which of the manufactureres mentioned above will suit my requiremnts,recently i heard about field coil speakers like classic audio and cogent but these are too expensive,even japanese like similar speakers which are musical, i have been recommended high emotion audio speakers,as similar sounding i will appreciate your input
has anybody heard sculpture horn speaker by CH audio with magnet speaker or field coil drivers