Obscure bands

Does anyone know a band called City Boy? (70's/80's)Very obscure and very original. It's beyond Me how such great talent goes so unnoticed! Also please chime in on other obscure talented musicians.


Showing 2 responses by effischer

Iceberg (Spain), Tantra (Portugal), Hawkwind (Australia)

+1 for Ambrosia & April Wine.

Forgot a couple from my earlier post:  Be Bop Deluxe and Lil' Georgie and the Shufflin' Hungarians.  BBD was semi-popular back in the day, but I understand that Bill Nelson was a pain and things fell apart.

Lil' Georgie was a Northeast / Mid-Atlantic regional band in the 90s that succumbed to the same thing:  George Rossi was a very talented writer, pianist and vocalist, but his ego killed the project just at the moment they were taking off.