NY Audio Show

Anyone going?   Looks like a nice show this year in a very nice venue.   Wish I could make it.  OHM Acoustics/speakers will have a room for first time ever at a show that I know of.  Would love to meet John Strohbeen. Sounds like a very competitive setup he wil have there for very modest cost.  Interested to hear what others find there.

Showing 2 responses by tmare

I agree with devilry, Charney’s full range speaker was very impressive, indeed.

YG Acoustic and Hypex guy’s new active speaker (I forgot the brand name) were good. I felt Those 2 speakers are promising. I really liked most of horn or single ended tube amp rooms, but most of the modern high end (low efficient speakers) rooms were very boring. Ohm Acoustics, ATC, Harbeth, Sonus Faber sounded OK, but not as good as expected.

I decided to sell my current set up (B&W 800d and Classe amp), and will buy high efficient speakers with single ended tube amp. The show was very educational for me, thank you.