
I read the ad... has anybody tried the NuForce products?

Showing 9 responses by drubin

About $150 in parts is all you would find in just about ANY $800 amplifier. That's the economics of it. Also, remember that this is a very different technology. Comparing parts is a bit misleading.

In my system, they did not compete with the Rowland 201. I really, really wanted the Nuforce to be as good or better but they were not. The Nuforce sounded pleasant but somewhat artificial and, as Matrix says, less liquid and organic. Too bad.

The system at RMAF that used the Nuforce amps sounded very good to me, however.
For every high-end audio product I expect. Except the DK integrated of course.

(nyuk, nyuk)
The Web site says end of March.
I'd like to wait for that one.
Tvad, surely you jest.
Stehno: Over the years, in discussions about getting good system performance at low listening volume, you have voiced a particular point of view, which is that the amplfier is the key factor. How do you feel the Nuforce amps perform in this respect?
I heard the combination at RMAF this weekend. I think the speakers are quite promising.