Nuforce V3 mod

Has anyone heard the Nuforce V3 mod done on their Reference V2SE? Please compare. Thanks
would not make much if any difference. Markalarsen. Just put about 500 hours then you will be fine

Does the volume -- high or low -- make a difference in terms of the length of the burn in?

While your not listening why not run a cd with a good sweep and breakin sounds at a medium volume level. This will not only work on your amps but all else in the audio chain. Its a good idea to do this on a regular basis for your gear. Though the organ and drums in the STS cd is really nice to listen to its not a favorite for front and center listening.
Ptm you need a signal to get the job done and in my case i did not get better than V 2 sound till the 130 hr mark. There very listenable with a large and deep stage right out of the box. Bass is good but mids and highs need burn in edgy and flat IMO. I used STS burn in cd running while at work and did listening time in the evening hours for a ears on listening for changes. Now after more than 200 hrs boy oh boy for me a highly recommended upgrade.
The only thing REF 18 will still be based on V3. They will make larger power supply, split the boards, and have nicer aluminum. The only thing i am wondering is if it will sound better much better for $8000. That is a large step up from Buying used V2 and upgrade to V3 for $800. You can buy new V3 for 5K. Looks to me like REF 18 should be much better amp, i hope!!
Yea Nuforce is really going to show the cards with Ref 18 and i believe that knowing there upgrade process they most likely will have some sort of trade in program for Ref 18.
The improvements between V2 and V3 are very audible and worth every cent it cost me. Ref 18 is going to be better than V3 i would have to guess but only time will tell.
I will soon be getting mine upgraded. Going to buy the REF 18 when available. I love the Nuforce amps!!
6 Moons Review on the V3 upgrade.

It has been a while since I have heard a top flight tube amp in a system. Most people I know with nice systems use tubes on the preamp and some sort of solid state for the amps. I think I will go out on a limb and suggest that we would be hard pressed to find a tube amp within the V3 price range that can do what this version presented to us. Hey, just one tube rolling session with a high power amp may pay for the V3 upgrade!
Cheers all!
Ck thanks for your detailed post that included the other equipment used. Sounds very positive. I have heard that the manufacturer now feels the V3 demonstrates many of the positive qualities of expensive tube amps - would you agree? I am particularly happy to hear that there is reduction in grain and sibilance which I think were a bit present with the V2. Also sounds like the splendid bass control and overall ultraclarity are still intact
Finally, an affirmative comparison, sounds reasonable, thanks Ck, I may go for it.
I had a chance to do some critical listening to the V3 vs a V2. Equipment was a Marantz CD player feeding a Benchmark DAC, a Joule Electra 300 ME preamp and a pair of Revel Studio 2.

The first thing that struck us was the large increase in height and depth of the sound stage. Much taller and deeper with the V3.
The instruments and voices had more depth and dimension. There was less sibilance (mike you nailed it with your explanation). The high frequency information is more articulate without any sense of grain. Bass was in my opinion a bit better in definition. This is NOT a small upgrade in my opinion but a transformation to the next level. No other $800 upgrade I could think of would make such a positive effect to the system we listened.
A quick post after 130 hrs things are getting very very good. Ultra solid bass the kind that you feel, low and deep and detailed. My concern so far the mid range has softened up and is delivering very real sounding voice and instruments. The upper spectrum has what i notice the most sibilance is so much better along with air and a real holographic presentation. The super quiet background along with a stage that is deep and with a good vinyl lp extends well past the outsides of my speakers, i have a wall of sound. At this point i could not be any happier with what
i m hearing and i believe things will get better as the 200 hr mark approaches.
This is my 3rd upgrade since my original Ref 9s over 4 yrars ago. From the first song V 3 has good stage and sound very listenable. will post more as i progress through the break in period.
I am in the NuForce upgrade queue, so likewise am very interested in your impressions. Anyone know anything about the Reference 18?
