NuForce Ref 9 V3 amplifier upgrade + repair by TDSS

I’m writing this for anyone who is interested in legacy NuForce amps (which I highly, highly recommend for their accurate yet nuanced presentation and amazing soundstaging) or has NuForce amps that need some TLC. I love my Ref 9 V3 monoblocks and wanted to let you know about a great company that can fix and improve your beloved NuForce amps.

Last year one of my NuForce Reference 9 V3 monoblocks simply went out, and I love their sound so much I started scrambling to find someone (anyone) who could repair it (seeing as how NuForce had been sold and no longer carried or supported the Ref 9 amps anymore).
After scouring the interwebs, I found TDSS and Robert Smith, who is a long-time engineer and designer of audio products and was in charge of technical support and repairs in the U.S. for NuForce, and they not only repair NuForce amps but also offer upgrades.
Robert was amazing to interact with and after a phone call (yes, he answers his phone and returns calls) and a few emails, I had sent my amps off to him for replacing the circuit boards in both amps (the cause of the failure in my malfunctioning unit) and upgrading both with his Level 3 upgrade (which includes a power supply upgrade and tweaks to eliminate background noise and hum):

He turned them around inside of 2 weeks and all I can says is ... wow. My amps are quieter and more transparent than ever. The soundstage is perceptibly wider. Separation of instruments is more defined. Basically he turned what were excellent amps into phenomenal ones.

I would not hesitate in sending my amps back to Robert if he offers more upgrades (or if I have issues again ... although he does guarantee his work, too). So if you need your NuForces repaired or want even better performance from them, talk to Robert and he will set you up. Thanks, Robert :)

Showing 1 response by nick897

Hello there. Recently, one of my reference 9 v3SE amps died. I assume it’s the common power supply failure. I’ve been following bob smith for a couple of years in case this ever happened.. and now that it has, unfortunately  tdss and bob smith have vanished. I was able to find someone’s invoice online for the upgrades which listed the parts used for the power supply swap. I was wondering/hoping someone somewhere had a picture of the upgraded internals of their v3 SE that they could send me so I can get an idea of how these replacement parts have been integrated. 
many thanks. Nick.