Nuforce 9.02 + Eggleston speakers

Is this a good idea? I have been considering a H20 amps for a while because I read that they mate really well, but a used pair of nuforce speakers seems like a possibility. Do the Nuforce monos have the juice necessary to bring out the best in Egglestons? Anyone with experience with this pairing?


Showing 1 response by dev

I agree with 1markr, if you read my "answers" you will see what I have been up too with trying "ice" amps. The Andra's are just way to good for that.

Currently my set-up is McIntosh 501's, ARC Ref3 pre., sources; ARC cd3 MK2 as a transport going through Accustic Arts Dac1 MK4 along with McIntosh 300 Music Server for back ground music going through the Dac also. I am getting a Accustic Arts Drive 1-MK2 to compare against the ARC cd3 MK2.

Cables Stealth Sextet digital
Virtual Dynamics Revelation in balance mode, I ordered some Genesis 6 ft bi-wire speaker cable, should be interesting.

I am waiting for a Supratek Sauv. line stage, suppose to be better then the Ref3.

I am also going to try the Bent Tap.

I just got the Accustic Arts dac wow!